Report Enviromental Issues

Latest revision date: April 2023
Revision due date: April 2025

Who is this form for?

Our Neighbourhood Teams provide a high-quality housing management service to make sure your estates are safe, clean and happy places to live in.

We do this by working in partnership with appropriate council services which include Neighbourhood Services, Waste and Recycling, and Highways and Engineering. To do this we need you to tell us if you have any problems with environmental issues in your area. To report a problem please complete this form.

We understand that you may want to remain anonymous but by providing us with your contact details will help us to work with you to solve the issue and keep you informed of our progress.

Protecting your personal data

By completing this form you acknowledge that we will follow our responsibilities under data protection legislation. We will store the information securely, share it with partners and other statutory agencies where we have the right under law to do this, use it only for the purpose it was provided and process it as set out in our privacy policy. For more information please see our privacy policy on our website
  • Your personal details
  • Are you a council tenant

  • Title

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Your preferred contact

  • Details about the problem
  • What is the problem you want to report?

  • Problem details

  • (If you’re wanting to report flytipping, please fill out Barnsley Council’s form here)
  • What and where is the problem?
  • Estate Name or Address

  • Please give as much detail as you can about the problem including the address, if the property is council or private owned and if you have reported it before.

  • Upload Documents
  • Use this section to upload any information that may help us deal with your report of an environmental issue. For example a photo.
    To upload this information you can either use a scanner or take a photo with your phone or tablet. Just click the upload button.

    More than one piece of information? Just click the “Add” button after you’ve finished uploading each one. You can upload a maximum of five pieces of evidence.

    If you haven’t got the evidence to upload at this point you can save your form until you have or you can upload it later using our “Document upload e form” which you can find on the Tell Us About it section of our website.
  • Documents of proof

    You can upload the following file types: JPG, PDF, PNG
    Please note if you are going to save this form instead of submitting, you will need to upload your file when you submit.

  • Confirmation
  • - By ticking the box below I confirm that the information in this form is true and that you may contact me if you need to discuss this matter further.

    - I understand that if I have not completed this form fully it may result in a delay in us acting on your request.